Johnson Grammar School, Warasiguda has classes from Nursery to Class VI. It is co-educational school, offers ICSE course following the curriculum and syllabus. On an average, each class has at least three sections with an average count of 25-30 students per class. Usually the sections are named as A,B, …. with a maximum up to C. There is a set of dynamic teaching staff in the school. There is an in charge for each of the three floors.

We at Johnson Grammar School, Warasiguda believes in embracing and integrating technology in the classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school by using best-in-class technology tools.


Education through Educom

Educom’s smartclassTM is a technology oriented initiative for schools. It provides tools and content for interactive self-paced learning by students, as well as rich-media presentations for teacher-led classroom learning. SmartclassTM is transforming the way teachers teach and students learn in schools. It’s a new age technology movement that is fast becoming an imperative for schools.


Educomp smartclass


  • Improves teacher effectiveness and productivity in class.
  • It brings abstract and difficult curriculum concepts to life inside classrooms.
  • Makes learning an enjoyable experience for students.
  • Improves academic performance of students.
  • Enables instant formative assessment of learning outcomes in class.
  • It also enables teachers to instantly assess and evaluate the learning achieved by their students in class.


SAS – Smart Assessment System

SAS – Smart Assessment System is a unique tool which instantly allows teachers to assess and evaluate the learning achieved by students. SAS available with smart class support creation and management of question bank and E-Test. With this tool, teachers will be able to assess the student performance in the class completely by asking multiple choice questionnaire, SAS also helps increases the attention in class.


SAS Benefits


  • Enables instant formative Assessment
  • Provides concrete inputs for immediate remediation.
  • Enables individual gap analysis
  • Enables tracking of individual student performance.
  • A remote hand held device for each student.